20 years ago something special happened when the Chestertown community came together and designed and built a one of a kind playground at the Garnett Elementary school. This playground was a great place to play and was a community gathering spot for so many families. It lasted for such a very long time of constant use but eventually age and new safety codes required it to be removed. So it is time for a new generation to create a new playground and creative space for all kids in the community to enjoy a safe and fun spot for the next 20 years and beyond! We will use the same great company, Leathers Associates, that designed the old playground for the design of new one. Check out their website to see all the amazing community playgrounds already built around the country. www.leathersassociates.com
Join us in kicking off the Chestertown Extreme Playground Makeover! This is going to take help from everyone who believes in supporting creative young minds and giving back to our community! Get involved or donate to make this a reality! Contact the project organizers by sending an email to chestertownplayground@gmail.com to lean how to donate money or supplies and volunteer your time.